Time | Activity | Title | Type | Conductors/Presenters | Chairs | Rooms |
14:15-15:45 | SP1 | The journey from Despair to Hope | Sub plenary | Sharing the despair and holding the hope. Suzi Shoshani (Israel) The group and the Therapist: The fluctuation between Hope and despair in War time. Pnina Rappoport (Israel) War and peace, despair and hope: is there any place for forgiveness and reconciliation? Ivan Urlic (Croatia) | Ivan Urlic | Roza+Irys |
SP2 | Time in psychoanalytic psychotherapies and group analysis – different world equals rebranding relatedness? | Sub plenary | How important is time in psychoanalytic psychotherapies? Isaura Manso Neto (Portugal) How do we feel about time? – Reflections on a survey. Margarida França (Portugal) | Cristina Călărășanu | Lilia | |
SP3 | We are all one living organism: Psychotherapist in shared reality of collective trauma. | Sub plenary | Therapists working in a shared reality of collective trauma – counter transference aspects. Marlen Maor (Israel) Act & Action – The mental health therapists' community as a source of resilience during events of extreme trauma. Ofira Honig (Israel) | Aurelie Maurin Souvignet | Frezja | |
WS1 | Integrating arts in group analysis: Exploring a new matrix-language at conflictual times. | Workshop | Marcia Honig (Israel) | Gerbera A | ||
WS2 | Through the lens of Roy Andersson's short film 'world of glory': Exploring condition of humanity in the modern world. | Workshop | Rafał Pniewski (Poland) | Gerbera B | ||
WS3 | The troubled family in schizophrenia: Challenges for multi-professional treatment-planning and intervention. | Workshop | Michael Stasch (Germany) | BR106 | ||
WS4 | My beautiful scars. | Workshop | Anna Dyduch-Maroszek (Poland) | BR101 | ||
PP1 | Healing trauma and collective grief | Paper presentation | The seismic event of February 2023 in Turkey: Figures and limits of symbolization in the work of mourning. Sanem Tayman (Turkey) "Conception trauma" and healing potentials of a small group-analytic group with overlap of social and personal trauma - school shooting case. Zoran Mladenovic (Serbia) | Orchidea A | ||
PP2 | Creating reflective spaces | Paper presentation | Narratives of changing times. Giovanni Starace (Italy) Inequality - Group relations in times of uncertainty. Maja Lyon (Serbia) Psychoanalysis on a turbulent sea: Modifying techniques towards creating reflective space in the therapy room. Agnieszka Chrzczonowicz-Stępień (Poland) | Orchidea B | ||
PP3 | What does Bion have to say about war and trauma. | Paper presentation | Linking experience from migration and warfare to group process. Jörg Melzer (Germany) Truth and hope in analytical setting. Daniela Zampa (Italy) | BR107 | ||
PP4 | Psychotherapy with body issues. | Paper presentation | Brief group analytic intervention in infertility: Psychological distress, self-efficacy, stigma, marital relationship, childhood memories and reproductive status. Mónica Silva (Portugal) An Affective Deafness Ana Bivar (Portugal) | BR102 | ||
PP5 | Psychotherapy in pandemic time. | Paper presentation | Body, space, time and psychotherapy. José de Abreu Afonso (Portugal) “We're in a war against an invisible, elusive enemy!”, the covid-19 experience in elderly hospitalized post-stroke patients. Anna Kyprianou (France) | BR103 | ||
PP6 | First steps of helping during turbulent time. | Paper presentation | A model for on-site psychological first aid at political rallies during times of turmoil. Ortal Shimon Raz (Israel) Uncertainty and hope as companions between homesickness and departure. Insights into a group-analytical process with Ukrainian children and adolescents. Simone Hees (Germany) | BR104 | ||
PP7 | Virtual therapy: Theoretical and clinical implications. | Paper presentation | Virtual therapy: Mental structure migrate, theoretical and clinical implications. Clelia de Vita (Italy) A distant or remote patient? An analysis of virtual therapy with the expat patient. Norbert Kacprzak (Poland) | BR105 |