16:15-17:30SP7From cohesion to coherence and "We-ness”: Advancements in group analytic therapy.Sub Plenary“I need “a we” but don’t know how to cooperate”.
Sigmund Karterud (Norway)

Different facets of dimensionality in group analytic psychotherapy.
Anna Zajenkowska (Poland)

Short-term Group analytic psychotherapy for young adults with ADHD.
Hanne Sofie Dahl (Norway)
Anna ZajenkowskaPromenada
SP8Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Poland in the face of war and trauma.Sub
Challenges facing Polish psychoanalytic psychotherapists in the face of wars and war trauma.
Izabela Trybus (Poland)

On borders and boundaries: An attempt to find meaning in our social reality and the psychic reality of couples.
Sabina Grzymowicz (Poland)
Karolina PniewskaRoza+Irys
SP9cross-talks between trauma and resilience in the post-covid era: Character pathology as a failed attempt for resilience.Sub
Neurobiology of early life trauma (ELT) and emerging character pathology as a wayward attempt of resilience or “pseudo-resilience”.
Ilias Vlachos (Greece)

Cross-talks between trauma and resilience in psychoanalytic literature.
Georgia Georgopoulou (Greece)
Łukasz DobromisrskiLilia
WS14Autistic self as a basic part of personality. The self as a form of representation. Autistic, transitional and symbiotic objects as tools for interaction.WorkshopOlha Mostova (Ukraine)Orchidea B
WS15Looking into the mirror is hard so let’s challenge internalized misogyny together!
Women only group workshop.
WorkshopMaria Puschbeck-Raetzell (Germany)Gerbera A
WS16Infant observation workshop: Infant observation in today's stormy times.WorkshopMonika Jakubowicz (Poland),
Effie Lignos (Greece),
Simona Nissim (Italy),
Piret Visnapuu (Estonia)
Gerbera B
WS17Stranger among us.WorkshopSilvia Nürnberger (Germany)BR107
PP23Working in turbulent times.Paper presentation"House in tornado": The experience of home after the October 7th massacre.
Basmat Klein (Israel)

Is there life after the end? Endless stories.
Olena Sytnyk, Olena Kovtun (Ukraine)
PP24Banality of evil and support during traumatic situations.Paper presentationTo remember the taste of war: Some thoughts about transgenerational trauma - A clinical case.
Olena Sedelnykowa (Ukraine)

Psychodynamics in the act of mass "sibling" homicide - theory of the banality of the evil, mechanism of "doubling"and the sibling matrix.
Snezana Kecojevic Miljevic (Serbia)
Orchidea A
PP25Psychoanalysis, fairy tales, and artistic expressions.Paper presentationPsychoanalysis after October 7th: A Look through the tale about the Wolf and the Kids.
Ravit Raufman (Israel)

Psychotherapy and Artistic Expression.
Cristina Canzio (Italy)
PP26On belonging, social trauma, and the tripartite matrix.Paper presentationTransforming the darkness of "ganging “phenomena in group-analytic and reflective citizens groups.
Marina Mojovic (Serbia)

Belonging through the lenses of Social Unconscious and Tripartite Matrix.
Athena Marouda- Chatjoulis (Greece)
PP27How do we work with refugees? Paper presentationUtilization of psychotherapeutic elements in helping with traumatic experience of war refugees: The material concerns the acceptance of the unacceptable, which ultimately leads to rejection and normalization.
Dawid Sołominako (Poland)

Serving through trauma: Psychoanalytic insights from migration assistance work.
Katia Dudziak

PP28Contemporary society and social withdrawal from clinical perspective.Paper presentationPerils of contemporary society in clinical perspective.
Jacek Mądry (Poland)

Difficulty in becoming an adult: A case of psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a Hikikomori Youth.
Yoshiya Ishikawa (Japan)
PP29Different models of therapeutic interventions.Paper presentationA reflective narrative regarding the functioning of a ‘peer work discussion group’ in preschool education.
Lida Anagnostaki, Theofania Antypa (Greece)

Common theoretical foundations for different models of therapeutic intervention and settings.
Paolo Cruciani (Italy)
PP30Working with groups in turbulent times. Paper presentationGroup in the world – the world in the group.
Ewa Bąk (Poland)

From broken world. Observing the swings between a small group within a large group, in the square of the hostages, from the performative and Psychodrama aspects.
Michal Porat (Israel)