
Katarzyna Skrzypek

Katarzyna Skrzypek is a psychologist, training psychotherapist and supervisor of the Polish
Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (PTPP) in private practice in Warsaw. She is a former president of the Society, former EFPP Delegate. She leads seminars for Candidates of the Society at the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program (PSP) in Warsaw. She is co-editor of “Siblings: Coexistence and Concern, Rivalry and Envy”, a book which brought together some of the papers from the EFPP conference that was held under this title in 2011.

09:30 - 10:30 AM

Saturday 28th Sep

Keynote lecture 2: Katarzyna Skrzypek (Poland)

„The world in crisis“, chair: Michael Stasch (Germany)
