14:15-15:45SP1The journey from Despair to HopeSub plenarySharing the despair and holding the hope.
Suzi Shoshani (Israel)

The group and the Therapist: The fluctuation between Hope and despair in War time.
Pnina Rappoport (Israel)

War and peace, despair and hope: is there any place for forgiveness and reconciliation?
Ivan Urlic (Croatia)
Ivan UrlicRoza+Irys
SP2Time in psychoanalytic psychotherapies and group analysis – different world equals rebranding relatedness?Sub plenaryHow important is time in psychoanalytic psychotherapies?
Isaura Manso Neto (Portugal)

How do we feel about time? – Reflections on a survey.
Margarida França (Portugal)
Cristina CălărășanuLilia
SP3We are all one living organism: Psychotherapist in shared reality of collective trauma.Sub plenaryTherapists working in a shared reality of collective trauma – counter transference aspects.
Marlen Maor (Israel)

Act & Action – The mental health therapists' community as a source of resilience during events of extreme trauma.
Ofira Honig (Israel)
Aurelie Maurin
WS1Integrating arts in group analysis: Exploring a new matrix-language at conflictual times. WorkshopMarcia Honig (Israel)Gerbera A
WS2Through the lens of Roy Andersson's short film 'world of glory': Exploring condition of humanity in the modern world.WorkshopRafał Pniewski (Poland)Gerbera B
WS3The troubled family in schizophrenia: Challenges for multi-professional treatment-planning and intervention.WorkshopMichael Stasch (Germany) BR106
WS4My beautiful scars.WorkshopAnna Dyduch-Maroszek (Poland)BR101
PP1Healing trauma and collective griefPaper presentationThe seismic event of February 2023 in Turkey: Figures and limits of symbolization in the work of mourning.
Sanem Tayman (Turkey)

"Conception trauma" and healing potentials of a small group-analytic group with overlap of social and personal trauma - school shooting case.
Zoran Mladenovic (Serbia)
Orchidea A
PP2Creating reflective spacesPaper presentationNarratives of changing times.
Giovanni Starace (Italy)

Inequality - Group relations in times of uncertainty.
Maja Lyon (Serbia)

Psychoanalysis on a turbulent sea: Modifying techniques towards creating reflective space in the therapy room.
Agnieszka Chrzczonowicz-Stępień (Poland)

Orchidea B
PP3What does Bion have to say about war and trauma. Paper presentationLinking experience from migration and warfare to group process.
Jörg Melzer (Germany)

Truth and hope in analytical setting.
Daniela Zampa (Italy)
PP4Psychotherapy with body issues.Paper presentationBrief group analytic intervention in infertility: Psychological distress, self-efficacy, stigma, marital relationship, childhood memories and reproductive status.
Mónica Silva (Portugal)

An Affective Deafness
Ana Bivar (Portugal)
PP5Psychotherapy in pandemic time.Paper presentationBody, space, time and psychotherapy.
José de Abreu Afonso (Portugal)

“We're in a war against an invisible, elusive enemy!”, the covid-19 experience in elderly hospitalized post-stroke patients.
Anna Kyprianou (France)
PP6First steps of helping during turbulent time.Paper presentationA model for on-site psychological first aid at political rallies during times of turmoil.
Ortal Shimon Raz (Israel)

Uncertainty and hope as companions between homesickness and departure. Insights into a group-analytical process with Ukrainian children and adolescents.
Simone Hees (Germany)
PP7Virtual therapy: Theoretical and clinical implications.Paper presentationVirtual therapy: Mental structure migrate, theoretical and clinical implications.
Clelia de Vita (Italy)

A distant or remote patient? An analysis of virtual therapy with the expat patient.
Norbert Kacprzak (Poland)