
Tammy Elad (Israel)

Works in private practice with individuals, couples and analytic groups as well as a supervisor of variety of groups in different organizations. Co-Conductor of Large Groups in conferences, and conductor of Small and Medium Groups in IGA and IAGP conferences.
Member of the IIGA and member of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy; Staff member of the Tel-Aviv University Group Conductors Training Program.

06:00 - 07:30 PM

Saturday 28th Sep

Large group

conductors: Tammy Elad (Israel), Małgorzata Bajor-Wocial (Poland), Thor-Kristian Island (Norway)

06:00 - 07:30 PM

Friday 27th Sep

Large group

conductors: Tammy Elad (Israel), Małgorzata Bajor-Wocial (Poland), Thor-Kristian Island (Norway)